Benefits of Grounding
Grounding is GREAT!
Getting into nature is so relaxing and balancing. Nature is the ultimate stress reducer! Grounding, sometimes called earthing is simple – it is getting your skin to touch the ground. You can do this by walking barefoot, laying on the ground, wading in shallow water, hugging a tree, gardening and getting bare hands into the dirt. If you ever done these things, you have probably noticed how much the help you chill out and relax. But if you’re like me, you have probably wondered how it works! So here is a short explanation – We are bioelectrical beings living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system. The act of grounding is absorbing electrons from the earth and releasing excess protons into mother earth.
The benefits of grounding are amazing! Grounding is the most effective and quickest acting stress reduction technique I have ever found because it supports our mental, physical and emotional health! It benefits many body functions and has the following effects:
- Reduces inflammation
- Decreases chronic fatigue & chronic pain
- Boosts mood, reduces anxiety & depression
- Reduces stress levels by normalizing stress hormone levels (cortisol)
- Improves sleep quality
- Supports cardiovascular health: reduces blood pressure, improves circulation
- Balances hormones & blood sugar; regulates metabolism
- Improves memory & focus
Of course getting into nature is the best possible way to ground, but sometimes that’s not available to us, like if you live in a crowded metropolitan area with very little grass or it is the dead of winter and there is snow on the ground. Thankfully there are some grounding tools you can use in these times, which include grounding pads, mats, and blankets. This winter I purchased an Earthing Elite Mattress Cover Kit and have been absolutely loving it! I immediately noticed a dramatic increase in my sleep quality. According to my smart watch, I get a lot more REM & deep sleep now that I have the grounding pad!
Go outside and check it out for yourself today!
Walking Meditation
Quick How to Guide for Walking Meditation
Most people think that meditation means sitting quietly, but meditation can also be an active process! My favorite type of meditation is WALKING MEDITATION! Walking meditations help you slow down and really enjoy the beauty that constantly surrounds us! This is especially great because it helps you squeeze mindfulness and movement into your busy schedule at one time!
The process is quick, simple and easy, try out this 10 minute walking meditation:
1. Ground yourself – Walk slowly and connect to feelings of your legs and your feet on the ground. Feel the sensation of your heel as it touches the ground, the base and arch of your foot, and finally the toes. Notice what it feels like to lift your foot and the muscles in your legs. Focusing on these sensations grounds you and helps you be present in your body at this moment.
2. Gratitude – Remember that walking is a luxury that not everyone has. Take a moment to show appreciation for your legs and feet and feel gratitude for the ability to walk. Thank your legs for the daily service to get you to where you want to go!
3. As you walk, pay attention to your senses, one at a time:
(1) the feeling of your body walking, the feeling of your breath going in and out of your lungs, the feeling of wind and temperature on your skin
(3) any smells in the air or plants around you
(4) the taste of the air or anything in your mouth
(5) what you can hear
(6) what you can see
4. Focus on all of your senses at once and pause to thank your amazing body. Remember to smile and be grateful for the time you took for yourself today!
New Year, New You Mini Challenge Day 3: Meditation and Gratitude
Click here for a 3 minute guided meditation from You be You!
Is recommitting to health one of your goals for 2020? Then join this FREE 5 day mini challenge!
You’ll get healthy tips that are easy to implement and it’ll kickstart your health journey for 2020!! Each day we’ll cover a topic to give you tips, tricks, and teach you why it’s so important!
Topics include:
– Meal planning made easy and why breakfast is so important
– Creative ways to squeeze exercise into your busy day
– Why drinking water is so important and how to hit your daily hydration goal
– Importance of sleep and how to improve your sleep habits – Benefits of meditation and how to integrate mindfulness in your everyday life
Click here to learn more about my 6 Week to Success program!
Gratitude is Simple
Gratitude is as simple as taking a moment to think about the things you appreciate in life!
The Power of Gratitude
Consciously thinking about what you are grateful for improves your physical and mental health.
Thinking about the many blessings in your life is a healing process and there’s no better place to do this than your yoga mat. Yoga makes you slow down and focus on the here and now. It naturally brings to focus the little things to be grateful for, like your breath and your body.
Try out these yoga practices that cultivate gratitude
Holiday Mindfulness Tips
The holidays are full of joy but they can also be stressful. Here are some techniques to help make your holiday more joyful!
1) Take a walk. Pay close attention to the sounds, sights and smells. Really appreciate the scenery around you. Walking is an excellent way to decrease stress and boost your mood!
2) Take 3-5 minutes to meditate. Meditation is a great way to center yourself. It’s easy – simply find a quiet place to sit for a few minutes. Focus on your breathing, deep calming breaths that fill your lungs. If your mind wanders (which is natural), gently come back to focusing on your breath. The goal is to be present in the moment.
3) Be kind to yourself. Take a bath or a nap. Call a friend. Go to the movies or play a game. Anything to reminds you of the joy this holiday season is filled with!
Mindfulness & Gratitude
Want to feel more alive and enthusiastic? Hoping to ditch anger and resentment to enter the new year emotionally lighter? Check out this awesome step by step guide to a quick mindfulness exercise that’ll help you achieve these goals!
7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude
Gratitude is the single most important thing you can do for your mental and physical health! An attitude of gratitude will improve the quality (and the sometimes even the quantity) of your life! Start focusing on appreciation and gratitude today!