Live an Empowered Life NOW! Book
My Amazon Best Selling Book!
Are you ready to start living your vision and bringing your wildest dreams into reality?!

If you don’t have a vision yet but feel called for more, do you wish that you had an instruction manual that would give you the steps on how to live your best life? You’re in luck, this book is for you!
This 12-week, step-by-step workbook teaches you the keys to living an empowered life NOW! These practices take just minutes per day to become an unstoppable force for your personal transformation.
This workbook helps you understand how your negative thoughts and past emotional baggage affect your body and what you can do to break self-sabotaging cycles keeping you from living a life you love. It walks you through incorporating self-care and mental health routines that become permanent healthy habits that support your success.
You will learn how to create balance so you can achieve your goals while living your life to the fullest. Achieve lasting effects to improve every aspect of your life by learning about the science behind how to train your brain for success.
Using Kitty’s expert self-development principles, this workbook teaches you how to harness the power of a morning routine, reflective journaling, and creating goals that increase alignment in your life. This is a self-improvement book that helps you master your mindset and unlock your manifesting abilities to bring your dreams to life!
Awards & Recognition

Kitty’s personal stories paired with her extensive experience has made this a must read! I learned so much through her book and recommend it and her coaching to everybody I know (and don’t know)!
This is such a straight forward, simple, yet effective and enjoyable book. The 12 week, step by step program truly supported me to uncover my negative beliefs and subconscious blocks from living my best life. My favorite part is that this book helps create balance and lasting change and not more overwhelm or “things to do.” I love this book and highly recommend it!
Wow! I’ve read a lot of personal growth books and this one really nails some very deep truths that most personal growth books just don’t even go into. It provides wonderful tools that are easy to follow and helps you create the structure in your life to actually manifest your dreams. For example, this workbook helped me turn one of my BIG dreams of hosting a virtual summit about personal growth into reality and made it SO EASY!
I personally loved how the book helped me explore what I really want in life and then create a structure for turning those things into reality. I tend to over commit to things and this book has helped me be realistic about what I can do every day, take empowered action towards my goals, and also helped me commit to self care (which is always the first thing I let slide). So while I was manifesting my dream of hosting the virtual summit, I actually had MORE energy at the end of the day than I normally did because I was committing to taking care of myself and I was also energized by taking the actions towards my dreams.
Seriously this book is AMAZING! Lots of personal growth books give you information but, don’t provide the structure about how to actually change your behavior. This book provides both and is an absolute game changer for me!
I loved Kitty’s book. She helped me take control of my life’s dreams and hopes that I have had year after year, but nothing ever changed. This book is the way to focus on dreams and hopes and have them come into being. Kitty is amazing and knows what she is writing about.
I have bought 100’s of journal to help me manifest the life I have wanted. I am also a manifestation coach. So I love great content. This book is AMAZING. I have never seen anything like this on Amazon or book stores. Usually I see the basic book. What do you want to Manifest? Why? And lots of blank journal pages. This book will help you journal, but honestly it will help you manifest if you USE It. She has other free giveaways that are fabulous. This is a Must book to learn and grow. LOVE IT Kklifecoach
I just got this book three days ago. It is a 90 day plan to change your life. I am excited to start! I have known the author for 6 years. I have watched her grow and thrive during this time. I helped her move into the home of her dreams. I watched her start her coaching business, I was there at the opening of her dream, her wellness center. I saw her develop into a polished speaker. It is wonderful to know a person and see their success. This book tells her story, but more importantly give us an organized method that we can use for our own success! She shows us how we can empower our lives as I have watched her do. I know it works. Thanks Kitty!
This book pulls you immediately with Kitty’s story and you will wan to learn more. She goes on to share her experiences and invites us in to utilize her tools to open up opportunities in our own lives. By working through Kitty’s steps we can all have an empowered life that is fulfilling and deeply meaningful.
Kitty guides us on a journey where we are challenged to look inward, reflect and choose our own destiny. I am so grateful for her guiding thoughtful ways, her workbook has been instrumental in my personal journey.
This book is well written, well organized, easy to follow, impactful and life changing. Kitty’s writing style is easy to read and she makes the subject matter very interesting and enjoyable. Once I got started, I couldn’t put the book down. The Morning Routine has been very helpful and I look forward to engaging in the rest of the process. Great book!
The tools in this book WILL help you create your dream life. This workbook has become my actual sidekick in life!! It is so much more than just a workbook, it’s a life guide! For years, I have always created goals and dreams but they never really got any farther than that – just a dream. This workbook has single-handedly guided me in realizing all that I am capable of and provides me with step-by-step actions that I can take to make my dreams and goals a reality.
Kitty’s story that she explains at the beginning of this book is truly inspiring and I love the in-depth descriptions of the science behind the tools in this book. This isn’t just some get lucky, and manifest your dreams book. No, there are actual facts and science behind all of the exercises which is so cool!
This is truly an amazing tool that everyone needs in their life! From quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily guided exercises that help you realize where you are and where you want to go, to goal planning, and breaking down the STEPS and ACTIONS you need to take to make your dreams a reality. The prompts and daily questions help me take time to reflect on myself, my goals, and aspirations, and realize areas of my life I want to work on. This book is your one-stop shop for self-care, and reflection, while also balancing real action-taking.
This book will be my go-to gift for those I care about because it will help them take care of their mindset, well-being, and help them realize that their dreams and goals can become reality! I love it!
Kitty is an amazing mindset coach and has really taken the time to create the perfect book to encompass all that she knows. I am so excited to be able to use this book alongside the Empowered Living membership that I am in as well! If you are looking to go even more in-depth with living the life of your dreams, and have support from others in reaching your goals, check out her membership!