
A Journey of Inspiration and Empowerment with Bolder Women

Recently, I had the incredible honor of speaking at two Bolder Women events, an experience that left me inspired and deeply grateful.


The Bolder Women Community

Bolder Women is a vibrant community dedicated to empowering women to live their boldest, most authentic lives. Their events, filled with insightful discussions and supportive networking opportunities, are designed to inspire and uplift. From the moment I arrived, I was embraced by the warmth and enthusiasm of this remarkable group. Their commitment to personal growth and collective empowerment is truly inspiring.


My Talk: Becoming a Manifesting Machine

During my session, I spoke about the fascinating world of manifesting, debunking myths and exploring the science behind it. We discussed:

Myth-Busting Insights: Understanding the real science behind manifesting.

Mindset Mastery: Shifting from problem-solving to conscious creation.

Practical Techniques: Steps to unlock manifesting abilities and align with dreams.

The energy in the room was electric, and the engagement from the attendees was incredible. Sharing these insights and seeing the spark of understanding in the eyes of the participants was an experience I will cherish.


Thank You, Bolder Women

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Bolder Women and Terra Ramachandran for inviting me to speak and for creating such a powerful platform for women to connect, learn, and grow. Your mission to empower women resonates deeply with me, and I am honored to have been a part of it.

For those unfamiliar with Bolder Women, I encourage you to explore their events and community. Their dedication to fostering a supportive and inspiring environment is evident in every aspect of their work. You can learn more about Bolder Women and their upcoming events on their Meetup page here.


Join My Upcoming Manifesting Webinar

If you missed my talk at Bolder Women or simply want to dive deeper into the world of manifesting, I have great news! I will be hosting an online webinar where I’ll cover all the insights and techniques from my Bolder Women talk. This is your chance to unlock your manifesting potential and transform your life.

This webinar has been such a hit that I’m going to continue to keep hosting it. If you would like to attend, you can sign up here

I look forward to seeing you there and continuing this journey of empowerment and growth together.

By |August 20th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on A Journey of Inspiration and Empowerment with Bolder Women

My Manifesting Machine Talk with Arvada’s Inspiring Women

I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to present my Manifesting Machine Talk to the incredible Inspiring Women group, a part of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. This experience was not only a chance to share valuable insights but also to connect with a community of passionate, driven women who are committed to their personal and professional growth.

Highlights from My Manifesting Machine Talk:

Myth-Busting Insights on Manifesting: One of the primary goals of my talk was to demystify manifestation. While it’s often seen as a mystical concept, there is a solid foundation of neuroscience behind it. I explained how our brains are wired to filter and focus on what we deem important, and how this natural mechanism can be harnessed to attract what we desire in life.

Practical Steps to Activate Your Manifesting Powers: Understanding the science is one thing, but putting it into practice is where the real transformation happens. I shared actionable steps that attendees can take to start manifesting their goals. These steps include techniques for visualization, affirmations, and setting clear, achievable intentions.

Mindset Shifts for Creating Your Dream Life: A significant part of manifestation involves shifting our mindset. I discussed the importance of cultivating a growth mindset and how changing our thought patterns can open up new possibilities. By embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility, we can create the life we truly want.

About the Arvada Inspiring Women Group:

The Inspiring Women group is a vital part of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. This dynamic community is dedicated to supporting and empowering women through various initiatives, events, and resources. The group’s mission is to create a network where women can connect, share their experiences, and support each other in achieving their goals.

The Arvada Chamber of Commerce plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant business community. By offering programs like Inspiring Women, the Chamber provides invaluable support to women entrepreneurs and professionals, helping them to thrive in their respective fields. For more information about the Inspiring Women group and the Arvada Chamber of Commerce, you can visit their website: Arvada Inspiring Women.

Join the Movement:

If you’re passionate about personal growth and empowerment, I invite you to join me for an upcoming webinar where we will dive deeper into the science and practice of manifestation. This session is more than just a class—it’s the beginning of a new reality for you. JOIN HERE

Being able to share my Manifesting Machine Talk with the Inspiring Women group has been a truly rewarding experience. The enthusiasm and openness of the attendees have reinforced my belief in the power of community and the importance of supporting each other on our journeys.

I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a vibrant and supportive network, and I look forward to continuing this journey of empowerment with all of you. Let’s manifest our dreams together and create the future we desire!

By |August 20th, 2024|Categories: News, Promotion|Comments Off on My Manifesting Machine Talk with Arvada’s Inspiring Women

Personal Leadership and Development Elevate Your Life

In today’s fast-paced world, personal development is not just a luxury but a necessity. 

Elevate Your Event with a Dynamic Speaker

As a speaker passionate about personal development, leadership, and building relationships, I am available to elevate your next event. Whether you’re organizing a corporate seminar, conference, or workshop, I will bring insights and inspiration to empower your audience towards growth and success. To learn more about me as a speaker, the wide variety of topics I present on, and how I can support your audience, book a consultation to talk about scheduling me at your next event!

I recently had the privilege of speaking for Summit Cleaning and gave a presentation on “Personal Leadership Through Self-Mastery” for her employees. It was a powerful session where we talked about the core elements of self-mastery and how they contribute to personal and professional success. Tetiana is modeling excellent leadership to provide amazing opportunities to her Summit Cleaning team!

Key Insights from Personal Leadership Through Self-Mastery

In the presentation, we explored three fundamental qualities of self-mastery:

  1. Self-Awareness

Self-awareness forms the foundation of personal growth. By understanding ourselves better, we gain confidence, enhance our relationships, and navigate challenges with greater ease. Through awareness and reflection, individuals can unlock their full potential and foster deeper connections with others.

  1. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions effectively. By cultivating compassion for both ourselves and others, we create a positive work environment where empathy, resilience, and collaboration thrive.

  1. Self-Love

Self-love is not selfish; it’s essential for personal well-being and success. Integrity, alignment between words and actions, and a commitment to self-care are crucial components of self-love. By prioritizing self-nourishment through morning routines and positive affirmations, individuals can cultivate a mindset of abundance and joy.

A Leader Who Invests in Her Team

Companies that invest in the growth and well-being of their employees often stand out as beacons of excellence in their respective industries. Summit Cleaning, led by Tetiana Kolcheva, exemplifies this commitment to employee growth by organizing enriching presentations geared towards personal development.

By inviting speakers like myself to share insights and strategies for personal growth, Tetiana demonstrates her dedication to fostering a thriving workplace culture where individuals are empowered to reach their full potential.

About Summit Cleaning

Summit Cleaning is a premier provider of residential and commercial cleaning and maid services in the Denver metropolitan area. Serving communities such as Arvada, Broomfield, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, and beyond, Summit Cleaning sets the standard for excellence in residential cleaning services. Check out her services and book your cleaning today at

By |May 10th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on Personal Leadership and Development Elevate Your Life

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats – A Story of How My Participation in a Local Chamber Supports Me

As a member of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce, my professional and personal life has undergone a profound transformation. What began as a simple decision to join a local business network quickly evolved into an amazing experience filled with new connections, opportunities, and personal growth.

One of the most significant impacts of being part of the Arvada Chamber has been the relationships I’ve built. Through chamber events, networking mixers, and collaborative projects, I’ve formed friendships and connections with fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. These connections extend beyond mere networking; they are a support system, a source of inspiration, and a community of like-minded individuals..

My involvement in the chamber has opened doors to countless speaking opportunities. Whether it’s presenting at chamber events, participating in panel discussions, or leading workshops, I’ve been able to share my expertise, passions, and insights with a diverse audience of local entrepreneurs. These speaking engagements not only elevate my visibility within the business community but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to discussions that matter to me.

The Arvada Chamber of Commerce has been more than just a professional affiliation—it’s a place where ideas flourish, partnerships thrive, and dreams become reality. Through my involvement with the chamber, I’ve not only expanded my business network but also found a community that shares my values and aspirations.

Check out my Member Spotlight video for the Arvada Chamber of Commerce here: WATCH NOW

By |May 6th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats – A Story of How My Participation in a Local Chamber Supports Me

Escape the comparison trap in your relationships!

Let’s talk about real life versus reel on social media. 

Many times what we see on social media is often a curated highlight reel – carefully selected moments and filtered snapshots of people’s lives. The perfect date night with the perfect partner. The perfect day at the beach. 

It’s not reality, it’s more like a magic show, filled with smoke and mirrors. 

Real Life vs. Highlight Reel

Sometimes it can feel like this in our relationships, especially if they’re new. You’re so worried about impressing the other person that you’re only showing them the highlight reel side of you. 

Fear of judgment or rejection keeps you from showing up as the whole authentic version of yourself. This can happen in intimate relationships, friendships, and professional relationships like networking. 

But here’s the catch about the highlight reel – what you see online is just a glimpse, not the whole picture. Behind the scenes, there’s a tapestry of real-life moments, struggles, and challenges. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, thinking everyone else has it all figured out while we may feel like we’re stumbling through a maze.

Nobody’s life or relationship is as perfect as what they show on their highlight reel. Whatever you’re experiencing in your life right now is okay, even if it’s not to your preference of what you want. 

Let’s not forget that life is beautifully imperfect, and it’s okay not to have it all together. Embrace your journey, celebrate your victories, and remember that social media is just one chapter, not the entire story.

The Comparison Trap Leads to Self-Judgment Spirals

In a world where it feels like everyone else’s grass is greener, it’s crucial to remember that our perspectives may be playing tricks on us. 

Escape the comparison trap in your relationships! Social media’s curated highlights can distort reality. 

Looking at pictures of the “perfect” relationships. Seeing groups of girlfriends going out together and longing to be in those groups. We all look at pictures of other people on social media and think to ourselves “I wish I had their life” or “I wish I was in a relationship like that.”

Comparing our lives to others can lead to unnecessary self-judgment and jealousy. Social media’s curated highlights can make this struggle even more real.

Many of us are playing a social media induced judgment and comparison game with others, thinking that other people have it better than we do. Wishing we had what they have.

This leads to a negative mindset and judgment spiral that just brings us further away from what we want to create!

We Have Evolved to be Focused on Negativity 

Our brains are wired to magnify the negative, making that 20% seem like 60%. It’s a survival trait from our caveman ancestors who thrived by focusing on potential threats. 

The cavemen that were more focused on the negative aspects were more likely to react strongly to negative stimuli and they lived long enough to pass down their genres. So we’re literally evolutionarily designed to be hyper focused on the negative. 

Rewiring Your Brain to be Positive

The way to short circuit this is to focus on the positive. But we are often so stuck in the same feelings and beliefs it can be hard to switch our mindset! 

Instead of longing for others’ seemingly perfect lives, shift your focus to gratitude. 

A positive mindset makes you MAGNETIC! It attracts amazing people, love, and opportunities into your life.

How do you shift to thinking more positively? You can start by practicing gratitude today,it’s a powerful tool to shift your mindset. Count your blessings, appreciate the little things, and recognize that your life is unique and valuable.

Living authenticity, embracing imperfections in ourselves and our partners, and realizing that behind the smoke and mirrors lies the true, unfiltered magic of life. 

Ready for a positive change in your life? 

Do you wish that you could rewire your brain for more positivity? Let’s chat! I can help shift your thoughts to a brighter space.

I work with neuroscience based tools so you can shift your attitude to be more positive and wake up everyday seeing the glass half full. 

Book a discovery call here to learn more!

By |March 12th, 2024|Categories: Mindset, News|Comments Off on Escape the comparison trap in your relationships!

Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz

Join me on the latest “Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz” episode for a journey from daydreamer to visionary! I share how I went from a challenging past into a purposeful and successful life. We dive into intention, dreaming, and action as I share how I conquered mindset hurdles to achieve extraordinary milestones.

In this episode, I talk all about the power of having a crystal-clear vision. Think of it as your personal growth GPS, guiding you through decisions and helping you build positive habits. I also share the pitfalls that make crafting a vision challenging, from societal conditioning to the fear of imperfection. I share insights on upgrading your identity, shedding baggage, and embracing the messy beauty of the visioning process.

Tune in now to learn more about my story. If you are looking for support in achieving your goals and dreams join my Empowered Living Membership. ELM is a vibrant community where we turn visions into reality using neuroscience-based process. Imagine having your own crew cheering you on as you become a manifesting machine! This membership is all about accountability, support, and growth – the perfect ingredients to reach your full potential.


Be sure to like, subscribe and listen to the Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz!

Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Watch the Podcast episode on Youtube

By |January 26th, 2024|Categories: News, Promotion, Wellness|Comments Off on Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz

Celebrating 5 Years of You Be You Coaching

🌟🎉 Celebrating Five Years of You Be You Coaching! 🎉🌟

It’s been an incredible journey helping clients break through mental barriers and embrace their fullest potential. At You Be You, we’re about helping you create the life you love utilizing mindfulness, cultivating positive habits, and unlocking creativity and abundance in every individual.

Over the past five years, I have witnessed remarkable transformations and celebrated countless victories alongside my amazing clients. There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing dreams become reality. Personally using the processes I teach my clients, I’ve had the privilege of sharing insights in talks worldwide, introduced a dynamic group membership program, opened Tranquility Wellness Center and become a best-selling author on my very first book!

The milestones and growth have been beyond my wildest dreams. Here’s to five years of empowerment, growth, and limitless possibilities! 🥂 Thank you all for being part of this amazing journey.

By |September 28th, 2023|Categories: News|Comments Off on Celebrating 5 Years of You Be You Coaching

Tranquility Wellness Center One Year Anniversary!

September marks an extraordinary milestone – the one year anniversary of Tranquility Wellness Center! 🎊✨

This journey started as a dream and a vision that had been nurtured for five long years. And now, to stand here and reflect on a full year of Tranquility Wellness Center being open is nothing short of incredible. 💫

I’ve had the privilege to serve the most amazing clients. Each session, each moment, is a testament to the power of holistic wellness. 🌸 And not to mention, I’ve had the honor of bringing in an array of talented and inspiring holistic health practitioners to share their gifts in our space. 🙌

None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of each and every one of you. To everyone who’s been a part of this journey, who’s believed in Tranquility Wellness Center, and who’s trusted us with their well-being, I am beyond grateful. 🙏💖

By |September 19th, 2023|Categories: News|Comments Off on Tranquility Wellness Center One Year Anniversary!

My Speaking Tour

What an incredible journey my Polka Dot Powerhouse Speaker Tour was last month! 🗣️💥

Kicked things off in Madison, WI and the energy was absolutely electrifying! ✨ I’ve never felt more inspired and connected with my audience. Admittedly, I got so caught up in the moment that I completely forgot to capture it in photos! 📸

Day 2 was a monumental success at the Milwaukee Dot Chapter! 🎉 It was extra special because my Grandmother was able to watch me speak and her praise meant the world to me. 💖

Day 3 was a whirlwind double-header! 🚀 I hit the road for a 3-hour drive to Wausau, WI for my talk at the Wausau Dot Chapter. Then, without missing a beat, I raced back to Milwaukee for a second virtual talk of the day! 🚗💨

A few weeks later I was grateful to round it out with my virtual talk about how to train your brain for success by identifying your sabotaging identities!

As I reflect on my very first speaking tour, I’m overwhelmed with a sense of purpose. Becoming an International Inspirational Speaker feels like my true calling. Already in the works: plans for the next tour! Thank you so very much to everyone who helped bring my dream to life!

By |September 19th, 2023|Categories: News|Comments Off on My Speaking Tour

Level Up Your Leadership

In the journey towards success, the master key lies in showing up as a leader. Whether it’s at your workplace, or within the walls of your home, leadership plays a pivotal role. Yet, many find themselves falling short due to a lack of proper training in this crucial skill.

I was honored for the opportunity to speak recently at the Arvada Young Professionals Group! I am deeply passionate about showing up as the best leader I can be so speaking on leadership is a subject dear to my heart! It was an absolute pleasure to be able to share all this wisdom with this group! In preparation for this presentation I did some market research on leadership and there were clear themes that were fundamental to good leadership.


Being a Leader Starts with Leading Yourself

Before we can effectively lead others, we must first master the art of leading ourselves. Here are the top three qualities that define good leaders:


High Self-Awareness

To be an effective leader, one must be aware of their own thoughts and emotions. Take time for presence and self-reflection


Leading by Example

A true leader honors their word. Commitment and follow-through on promises are non-negotiable. Your actions should echo your values.


Inspired Vision

It starts with creating an inspired vision to have a clear picture of what you want. Then get into action and inspire others to join your vision too!


Join Our Free Webinar: Level Up Your Leadership Skills

In this exclusive webinar, you’ll gain access to tools and concepts that will empower you as a leader. Whether in business, career, or home life, these skills will enable you to lead yourself and others more effectively. Strengthen your leadership foundation and watch as it transforms every aspect of your life.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to step into your full potential as a leader. Register now and take the path to becoming the leader you’re destined to be. Your journey starts NOW.


Sign up for the FREE Webinar!

By |September 19th, 2023|Categories: Mindset, News|Comments Off on Level Up Your Leadership
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