
Empowered Living Membership

Making Dreams Happen

Reflecting on the past and dreaming about the future is essential in setting intentions and focusing on your goals. Any time of the year is a perfect opportunity to reset your intentions, think about what you want your life to be like, and make your dreams into reality.

I’m grateful to share that I’ve achieved some of my long-term dreams and experienced incredible growth. Next month I am traveling to Greece. This exact trip, including spending a week living on a sailboat with other burners from around the world, has been one of my long-term goals!

Another dream that came to fruition a few years ago is the Empowered Living Membership. This membership is focused on providing tools to start working towards living your dream life. Using cutting-edge neuroscience based coaching methods, we help release the resistance and mental roadblocks that hold you back. The membership has been a success, empowering members to achieve their goals. It really lights me up to watch the people in this membership flourish and become manifesting machines!

Over the last 3 years, I fulfilled four more dreams: hiking the Inca Trail in Peru, speaking at a national conference, and working in person with my mentor, Chris Duncan. I also decided to write and publish a 12-week workbook, and all the resources I needed came together seamlessly. The workbook launched last year, instantly became a best-selling book and is currently available.

Reflecting on all the magic that I’ve made happen in my life, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. As I continue to attract amazing opportunities, one of my goals is to 10x my impact. I aim to help a large number of people transform their lives and work towards their dreams. Each time I speak to an audience I am offered the opportunity to support them in stepping into their true potential.

The tools I use daily have been instrumental in my success and attracting these opportunities. These same tools are available to members of the Empowered Living Membership. Our community offers incredible accountability and support, leading to breakthroughs in abundance, self-love, confidence, happier relationships, work/life balance, and more.

This membership is for you if:

  • You have set intentions and goals but lack an action plan.
  • You want a supportive community to help you reach your goals.
  • You want to clarify what your dream life looks like and start living it.
  • You are ready to be excited about life and make it the best it can be.
  • You are ready to become a manifesting machine!

The Empowered Living Membership

The Empowered Living Membership will set you up for success. We’ll use neuroscience tools to help you tap into your heart’s deepest desire to get clear on your dreams. Then the accountability and support to turn your vision goals and the neuroscience based tools to make them a reality. Join now to lock in a discounted price and start working towards a life you love. Book a discovery call now to learn more or if you are ready to start living your dream life now you can sign up directly at this link. If you’d like to learn more about the Empowered Living Membership, you can read more about it here.

By |July 30th, 2024|Categories: Promotion|Comments Off on Empowered Living Membership

Personal Leadership and Development Elevate Your Life

In today’s fast-paced world, personal development is not just a luxury but a necessity. 

Elevate Your Event with a Dynamic Speaker

As a speaker passionate about personal development, leadership, and building relationships, I am available to elevate your next event. Whether you’re organizing a corporate seminar, conference, or workshop, I will bring insights and inspiration to empower your audience towards growth and success. To learn more about me as a speaker, the wide variety of topics I present on, and how I can support your audience, book a consultation to talk about scheduling me at your next event!

I recently had the privilege of speaking for Summit Cleaning and gave a presentation on “Personal Leadership Through Self-Mastery” for her employees. It was a powerful session where we talked about the core elements of self-mastery and how they contribute to personal and professional success. Tetiana is modeling excellent leadership to provide amazing opportunities to her Summit Cleaning team!

Key Insights from Personal Leadership Through Self-Mastery

In the presentation, we explored three fundamental qualities of self-mastery:

  1. Self-Awareness

Self-awareness forms the foundation of personal growth. By understanding ourselves better, we gain confidence, enhance our relationships, and navigate challenges with greater ease. Through awareness and reflection, individuals can unlock their full potential and foster deeper connections with others.

  1. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions effectively. By cultivating compassion for both ourselves and others, we create a positive work environment where empathy, resilience, and collaboration thrive.

  1. Self-Love

Self-love is not selfish; it’s essential for personal well-being and success. Integrity, alignment between words and actions, and a commitment to self-care are crucial components of self-love. By prioritizing self-nourishment through morning routines and positive affirmations, individuals can cultivate a mindset of abundance and joy.

A Leader Who Invests in Her Team

Companies that invest in the growth and well-being of their employees often stand out as beacons of excellence in their respective industries. Summit Cleaning, led by Tetiana Kolcheva, exemplifies this commitment to employee growth by organizing enriching presentations geared towards personal development.

By inviting speakers like myself to share insights and strategies for personal growth, Tetiana demonstrates her dedication to fostering a thriving workplace culture where individuals are empowered to reach their full potential.

About Summit Cleaning

Summit Cleaning is a premier provider of residential and commercial cleaning and maid services in the Denver metropolitan area. Serving communities such as Arvada, Broomfield, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, and beyond, Summit Cleaning sets the standard for excellence in residential cleaning services. Check out her services and book your cleaning today at

By |May 10th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on Personal Leadership and Development Elevate Your Life

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats – A Story of How My Participation in a Local Chamber Supports Me

As a member of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce, my professional and personal life has undergone a profound transformation. What began as a simple decision to join a local business network quickly evolved into an amazing experience filled with new connections, opportunities, and personal growth.

One of the most significant impacts of being part of the Arvada Chamber has been the relationships I’ve built. Through chamber events, networking mixers, and collaborative projects, I’ve formed friendships and connections with fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. These connections extend beyond mere networking; they are a support system, a source of inspiration, and a community of like-minded individuals..

My involvement in the chamber has opened doors to countless speaking opportunities. Whether it’s presenting at chamber events, participating in panel discussions, or leading workshops, I’ve been able to share my expertise, passions, and insights with a diverse audience of local entrepreneurs. These speaking engagements not only elevate my visibility within the business community but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to discussions that matter to me.

The Arvada Chamber of Commerce has been more than just a professional affiliation—it’s a place where ideas flourish, partnerships thrive, and dreams become reality. Through my involvement with the chamber, I’ve not only expanded my business network but also found a community that shares my values and aspirations.

Check out my Member Spotlight video for the Arvada Chamber of Commerce here: WATCH NOW

By |May 6th, 2024|Categories: News|Comments Off on A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats – A Story of How My Participation in a Local Chamber Supports Me

Journey to Self Love and Empowerment

Self-love is a superpower. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about embracing your quirks, strengths, and everything that makes you wonderfully YOU.

Let’s make this week (and everyday) about celebrating the incredible person in the mirror. Start drafting a love letter to yourself, embrace your awesomeness, and let the self-love party begin! 

Self-love is fuel for your journey in life – it powers confidence, resilience, makes you magnetic and gives you that unstoppable sparkle in your eyes.

Curious to dive deeper into self-love? Read our tips below. Check out part 1 and part 2 of this series for more!

Mindfulness and Reflection:

Incorporate daily meditation and reflective practices. These moments of stillness help you connect with your inner self, promoting self-awareness and a sense of calm.

Joyful Self-Care:

Pamper yourself with activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a long bath, or pursuing a hobby, prioritize self-care as a way to express love to yourself.

Nourishment and Hydration:

Fuel your body with nourishing food and stay hydrated. Taking care of your physical health is a tangible expression of self-love, contributing to overall well-being.

Invest in Personal Growth:

Commit to ongoing personal growth and mental expansion. Consider enrolling in courses or activities that align with your interests and contribute to your development.

List of Self-Love:

Write a love letter to yourself. Create a list of 100 things you love about yourself. This exercise serves as a powerful reminder of your unique qualities and strengths, fostering self-appreciation.

Remember that you are your greatest ally. Embrace every part of who you are with kindness and love! By nurturing your relationship with yourself, you cultivate resilience, confidence, and radiant energy.

By |April 18th, 2024|Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care|Comments Off on Journey to Self Love and Empowerment

Celebrating Couples Appreciation Month: Why Showing Gratitude Matters!

When was the last time you expressed your appreciation for your partner? When it comes to relationships the little things really do matter – taking a moment to show gratitude can make all the difference in your relationship!

It’s easy to let moments of appreciation slip by unnoticed. But in reality, these small acts of gratitude can have a big impact on our relationships. Since April is Couples Appreciation Month, let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of expressing appreciation for our partners.

Why Showing Appreciation Matters:

  • Strengthening Bonds: Taking the time to express appreciation creates a deeper connection between partners.
  • Boosting Confidence: When we express appreciation for our partners, we’re not just making them feel good in the moment – we’re boosting their confidence and reinforcing their sense of self-worth. 
  • Building Trust: Appreciation is the foundation of trust in any relationship. When we feel appreciated, we’re more likely to trust our partner and feel secure in the relationship.

Creative Ways to Show Appreciation:

  • Write a Heartfelt Card: Take the time to write a heartfelt card listing all the things you love and appreciate about your partner. 
  • Pen a Poem: Get creative and pen a poem expressing your admiration and gratitude for your partner’s presence in your life. 
  • Plan a Surprise Dinner: Treat your partner to a surprise dinner or their favorite meal, accompanied by words of love and appreciation. It’s a thoughtful gesture that shows you’ve put thought and effort into creating a special moment just for them.
  • Surprise Them with Flowers or a Gift: Surprise your partner with their favorite flowers or a small gift, just because. It’s a sweet and unexpected gesture that shows you’re thinking of them and appreciate all they do.
  • Create a Playlist: Put together a playlist of songs that remind you of your partner and share it as a token of your affection. Music has a unique way of expressing emotions, and curating a playlist just for them is a thoughtful way to show you care.

This month, let’s take the opportunity to express our gratitude for the special people in our lives. Whether it’s an idea from the list above or something else, let’s take the time to show our partners just how much they mean to us. After all, it’s the little things that truly matter in the end. Let’s spread love and gratitude together!

By |April 11th, 2024|Categories: Mindfulness|Comments Off on Celebrating Couples Appreciation Month: Why Showing Gratitude Matters!

Escape the comparison trap in your relationships!

Let’s talk about real life versus reel on social media. 

Many times what we see on social media is often a curated highlight reel – carefully selected moments and filtered snapshots of people’s lives. The perfect date night with the perfect partner. The perfect day at the beach. 

It’s not reality, it’s more like a magic show, filled with smoke and mirrors. 

Real Life vs. Highlight Reel

Sometimes it can feel like this in our relationships, especially if they’re new. You’re so worried about impressing the other person that you’re only showing them the highlight reel side of you. 

Fear of judgment or rejection keeps you from showing up as the whole authentic version of yourself. This can happen in intimate relationships, friendships, and professional relationships like networking. 

But here’s the catch about the highlight reel – what you see online is just a glimpse, not the whole picture. Behind the scenes, there’s a tapestry of real-life moments, struggles, and challenges. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, thinking everyone else has it all figured out while we may feel like we’re stumbling through a maze.

Nobody’s life or relationship is as perfect as what they show on their highlight reel. Whatever you’re experiencing in your life right now is okay, even if it’s not to your preference of what you want. 

Let’s not forget that life is beautifully imperfect, and it’s okay not to have it all together. Embrace your journey, celebrate your victories, and remember that social media is just one chapter, not the entire story.

The Comparison Trap Leads to Self-Judgment Spirals

In a world where it feels like everyone else’s grass is greener, it’s crucial to remember that our perspectives may be playing tricks on us. 

Escape the comparison trap in your relationships! Social media’s curated highlights can distort reality. 

Looking at pictures of the “perfect” relationships. Seeing groups of girlfriends going out together and longing to be in those groups. We all look at pictures of other people on social media and think to ourselves “I wish I had their life” or “I wish I was in a relationship like that.”

Comparing our lives to others can lead to unnecessary self-judgment and jealousy. Social media’s curated highlights can make this struggle even more real.

Many of us are playing a social media induced judgment and comparison game with others, thinking that other people have it better than we do. Wishing we had what they have.

This leads to a negative mindset and judgment spiral that just brings us further away from what we want to create!

We Have Evolved to be Focused on Negativity 

Our brains are wired to magnify the negative, making that 20% seem like 60%. It’s a survival trait from our caveman ancestors who thrived by focusing on potential threats. 

The cavemen that were more focused on the negative aspects were more likely to react strongly to negative stimuli and they lived long enough to pass down their genres. So we’re literally evolutionarily designed to be hyper focused on the negative. 

Rewiring Your Brain to be Positive

The way to short circuit this is to focus on the positive. But we are often so stuck in the same feelings and beliefs it can be hard to switch our mindset! 

Instead of longing for others’ seemingly perfect lives, shift your focus to gratitude. 

A positive mindset makes you MAGNETIC! It attracts amazing people, love, and opportunities into your life.

How do you shift to thinking more positively? You can start by practicing gratitude today,it’s a powerful tool to shift your mindset. Count your blessings, appreciate the little things, and recognize that your life is unique and valuable.

Living authenticity, embracing imperfections in ourselves and our partners, and realizing that behind the smoke and mirrors lies the true, unfiltered magic of life. 

Ready for a positive change in your life? 

Do you wish that you could rewire your brain for more positivity? Let’s chat! I can help shift your thoughts to a brighter space.

I work with neuroscience based tools so you can shift your attitude to be more positive and wake up everyday seeing the glass half full. 

Book a discovery call here to learn more!

By |March 12th, 2024|Categories: Mindset, News|Comments Off on Escape the comparison trap in your relationships!

A Guide to Cultivate Self-Love

Self-love is your superpower! Increasing your self-loves is one of the most powerful things you can do to become magnetic to attract people and experiences you want into your life. 

Our culture has conditioned us to think we’re not good enough, not loveable as we are. This has helped feed the capitalism monster, but has devastated our sense of self-love. In a world that teaches us to criticize ourselves, it’s easy to overlook the importance of appreciating and nurturing the person within. We are sharing practical and mindful approaches to foster self-love to improve.

This month we’re doing a deep dive into self love, the last blog was all about the benefits of self love if you haven’t read that article yet read it here!

Self-love isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s a powerful force that positively impacts every aspect of your life. When you truly love and appreciate yourself, you unlock more happiness, confidence, and resilience. The benefits are seen through your relationships, work, and overall well-being. It’s not about being perfect, but about embracing your uniqueness and developing a positive relationship with yourself.

Easy to Use Tips to Build Your Self-Love

Mindful Self Gratitude Practices

Start a gratitude journal to reflect on and appreciate the positive aspects of yourself. Everyday for at least 30 days, write down 10 things you love about yourself, are proud of about yourself, or reasons why you’re amazing. The trick is to not repeat anything you’re writing down. This causes you to get creative at looking at all your positive qualities and automatically trains your brain to focus on all the ways you’re amazing. Acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments, creating a healthier relationship with yourself. This practice helps shift your focus towards the good parts of you, fostering a sense of contentment and self-love.

Empowering Self-Talk

Replace self-criticism with self-compassion. Name the critic in your head to acknowledge that it’s not you. Every time you start to catch yourself being critical of yourself, pause in that moment and say “Ok, I hear you (name of critic).” After that rub your hands together or wiggle your toes in your shoes to ground you and bring you back to your body. Then consciously refocus your energy and attention on what you want to be thinking and feeling, the best possible outcome of the situation.

Be Your Own Cheerleader

When a little kid is learning a new skill, you praise them a lot for every little step they take towards that skill. Even if they don’t achieve it, you encourage them and support them into trying again. Take this approach with yourself. Giving yourself constant kudos may seem silly at first, but our brains are wired to respond strongly to positive affirmations and positive conditioning. Throughout the day, take the time to give yourself compliments and cheering yourself on will consciously engage in positive internal dialogue. If you practice this enough, the positive dialogue will automatically start replacing the negative dialogue in your head. And it’ll make it easier to do the mindful self gratitude practice above. 

Nature Connection and Movement

Spending time in mother nature is one of the most beneficial activities you can do for yourself. When you spend more time outdoors and engage in activities that make your body feel good.  Being in nature actually has a deeply grounding effect on our bodies because it actually helps us release a build up of positive ions in our body, especially if we sit, lay down, or walk barefoot in the grass. If you don’t have easy access to the outdoors, don’t sweat! Just moving your body is enough to get positive emotions flowing! Whether it’s a walk in the park or turning on your favorite song for a dance session in your living room, movement and nature contribute to your overall well-being and improve your self-love.

Digital Detox

Unplug from electronic devices for at least an hour daily. Disconnecting from the digital world allows you to reconnect with yourself, fostering a deeper sense of presence and self-awareness. We’re so trained to be addicted to our phones. One day I had to turn mine off for an hour and I swear I picked it up like 10 times – talk about an unconscious habit! We are conditioned to look to social media, short videos, and phone games to make us feel good. They are actually psychologically designed to give us just enough dopamine that we feel good for a moment and come back for more feel good brain chemicals. The problem is this is an empty trap that keeps us scrolling, watching, locked into our screens in a way that doesn’t serve us. In many ways it actually feeds our negative emotions to see other people in pretty locations on instagram, looking like they’re living a perfect life, causing us to feel like we’re lacking. When we cultivate a habit of putting down our phones for a little while each day, we can connect with loved ones IRL and nurture hobbies that leave us feeling fulfilled instead of feeling empty. 

In this comprehensive guide to cultivating self-love, we’ve shared practical and mindful approaches to help you go on a transformative journey towards embracing and nurturing the incredible person within you. Remember, the journey to self-love is ongoing, and by committing to these practices, you’re investing in your own growth and happiness. Stay tuned for part 3 on even more tips!

By |February 27th, 2024|Categories: Mindset|Comments Off on A Guide to Cultivate Self-Love

Unlock Your Success with this Secret!

In a world that often focuses on external achievements and validations, the importance of self-love cannot be overstated. Loving yourself is not just a buzzword; it’s an important practice that impacts your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore why self-love matters and the benefits it brings to your life. Stay tuned for part 2 next week where we’ll educate you about how to love yourself more and share the tools needed to deepen your self-love journey.

How you treat yourself on a day-to-day basis sets the tone for your relationships, self-confidence, and overall well-being. Embracing self-love allows you to show up in the world as the best version of yourself, creating healthier connections, setting boundaries, and creating a positive impact.

The Impact of Self-Love on Success:

Your level of self-love has a direct correlation with your success in life. When you regularly practice self-love, you enhance your mental and emotional health, leading to increased confidence, resilience, and a more positive internal dialogue. These factors not only shape your personal fulfillment but also influence how you interact with others, paving the way for success in various aspects of your life.

Everyone (Unconsciously) Knows Your Level of Self-Love:

Have you ever noticed that you can sometimes tell someone’s mood without even speaking to them. The emotions they’re feeling is creating body language and other non-verbal signals that give us a vibe of that person’s emotions. This is because of our mirror neurons!

Mirror neurons are a part of our brain that automatically picks up the physiological and emotional state of the people we interact with. It’s the reason why we yawn when other people yawn and often end up mirroring people’s body postures back at them in a conversation. These mirror neurons even change psychological responses in our body like heart and breathing rates. 

Yes, Even if They’re Not Aware of it, People Can Literally Read Your Mind:

Whatever we are thinking about ourselves on the inside is actually being reflected on the outside and other people are able to pick up on this. When you’re living in a state of self-love, that vibration is felt by others around you and it makes you instantly magnetic and attractive to others. Because the vibration of self-love has the frequency of love, you’ll naturally and effortlessly attract more positive situations in your life. 

Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. When you’re not in a place of self-love, no matter what emotions, words, or messages you’re consciously communicating to others, there is still a background signal communicating that you’re not in a place of self-love. 

This unconscious self-sabotage repels people and positive situations away from you and attracts more negative situations into your life. Think about the last time you interacted with someone and you could obviously sense that they were having a bad day. You immediately want to get away from them, right? This is why increasing our self-love is essential for every aspect of our lives!

Benefits of Embracing Self-Love:

  • Increased Self-Confidence: Enhance your self-love for a huge boost to believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • Less Stress in Life:  High levels of self-love make it easier to navigate challenges with resilience.
  • Authentic Self-Expression: Embrace self-love to unleash your true voice, allowing for genuine and meaningful self-expression.
  • Living in Alignment: Align your actions and choices with your authentic self, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
  • Better Health: Prioritize self-love to nurture your physical and mental well-being, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
  • More Happiness: Cultivate self-love as the cornerstone of your happiness, fostering a positive and joyful outlook on life.
  • Deepen Connections: Enhance your capacity for deeper connections, fostering genuine relationships.
  • Healthy Boundaries: Empower yourself to set and maintain healthy boundaries, safeguarding your well-being.
  • Increased Positive Impact: Radiate positivity into your interactions, creating a harmonious environment around you.
  • Increased Success in Your Job or Business: Elevate your self-worth through self-love, paving the way for increased success, wealth, and a greater positive impact in your professional endeavors.

In a world where success is often measured externally, the internal practice of self-love is a powerful tool. Self-love impacts not only your mental, emotional, and physical well-being but also plays a crucial role in the overall trajectory of your life. Recognizing the influence of self-love on success, relationships, and personal fulfillment is the first step toward creating a positive impact in every aspect of your life. Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog, where we’ll talk about the practical ways to infuse more self-love into your daily routine, creating a life of positivity and genuine connection.

By |February 27th, 2024|Categories: Mindset|Comments Off on Unlock Your Success with this Secret!

Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz

Join me on the latest “Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz” episode for a journey from daydreamer to visionary! I share how I went from a challenging past into a purposeful and successful life. We dive into intention, dreaming, and action as I share how I conquered mindset hurdles to achieve extraordinary milestones.

In this episode, I talk all about the power of having a crystal-clear vision. Think of it as your personal growth GPS, guiding you through decisions and helping you build positive habits. I also share the pitfalls that make crafting a vision challenging, from societal conditioning to the fear of imperfection. I share insights on upgrading your identity, shedding baggage, and embracing the messy beauty of the visioning process.

Tune in now to learn more about my story. If you are looking for support in achieving your goals and dreams join my Empowered Living Membership. ELM is a vibrant community where we turn visions into reality using neuroscience-based process. Imagine having your own crew cheering you on as you become a manifesting machine! This membership is all about accountability, support, and growth – the perfect ingredients to reach your full potential.


Be sure to like, subscribe and listen to the Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz!

Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Watch the Podcast episode on Youtube

By |January 26th, 2024|Categories: News, Promotion, Wellness|Comments Off on Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz

Celebrating 5 Years of You Be You Coaching

🌟🎉 Celebrating Five Years of You Be You Coaching! 🎉🌟

It’s been an incredible journey helping clients break through mental barriers and embrace their fullest potential. At You Be You, we’re about helping you create the life you love utilizing mindfulness, cultivating positive habits, and unlocking creativity and abundance in every individual.

Over the past five years, I have witnessed remarkable transformations and celebrated countless victories alongside my amazing clients. There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing dreams become reality. Personally using the processes I teach my clients, I’ve had the privilege of sharing insights in talks worldwide, introduced a dynamic group membership program, opened Tranquility Wellness Center and become a best-selling author on my very first book!

The milestones and growth have been beyond my wildest dreams. Here’s to five years of empowerment, growth, and limitless possibilities! 🥂 Thank you all for being part of this amazing journey.

By |September 28th, 2023|Categories: News|Comments Off on Celebrating 5 Years of You Be You Coaching
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