Stress Less

Gratitude is Great for Mental Fitness!

Practicing gratitude in your day to day is a great way to bring more happiness into your life. This simple act of changing your perspective can have profound effects on your mental health, physical health and can bring more positivity into your world. Make it a point to be aware of how you are reacting to situations and look at things from a new perspective. You would be surprised at all of the amazing ways practicing gratitude can impact your life. Check out our list below for how gratitude improves your life:

  1. Gratitude increases mental strength: Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can have profound effects on those who have experienced trauma. Gratitude can really help build resilience to better help your brain cope with stressors.
  2. Gratitude improves self-esteem: Those who are grateful are able to really appreciate and be happy for others accomplishments. These types of people don’t play the comparison game or feel resentment towards or jealousy.
  3. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression: Grateful people overall experience more positivity and are less likely to retaliate against others and have fewer tendencies to seek revenge or cause harm. 
  4. Grateful people sleep better: Those that spend even 15 minutes a day reflecting on why they are grateful can get a better night’s rest than those who don’t practice gratitude.
  5. Gratitude improves psychological health: Studies have shown that gratitude reduces many toxic emotions such as jealousy and frustration. There is a link between gratitude increasing happiness and overall well being.
  6. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships: When you practice gratitude you’ll have a more positive outlook overall and an energetic personality that others will be drawn to. Your openness will help create new connections and other people will want to be around your energy more.
  7. Gratitude improves physical health: Practice gratitude overall has great health benefits. You’ll experience lower stress levels, and fewer aches and pains. Grateful people are more likely to take care of their health, exercise, and eat healthy meals.

Practicing gratitude has so many amazing benefits. When practicing gratitude you’ll be more open minded, overall healthier and will attract great things into your life!

By |November 21st, 2021|Categories: Mindfulness, Mindset, Stress Reduction, Wellness|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Gratitude is Great for Mental Fitness!

Dogs Improve Our Health!

We get so much love and support from dogs! They make the world a better place and teach us the meaning of unconditional love! Today is “Make a Dog’s Day Day” which encourages people to adopt pets from a shelter. If you have been thinking about getting a dog, today is the best day to do it! And if you already have a dog, today is a day to do something special for them to show them extra love!

Here are some benefits we get from dogs:

    • Endorphins from petting: petting can boost serotonin, and other “feel-good” hormones to help boost your mood. 
    • Unconditional love: Dogs can be there for you even when other people can’t. They love you no matter what type of day you’re having.
    • Dogs are good for your heart. There are studies published between 1950-2019 that found dog owners have a lower blood pressure and healthier hearts.
    • Dogs can help improve brain health and cognitive function of those with mental illness. 
    • Service dogs, therapy dogs and emotional support dogs help people with all kinds of disabilities or conditions by performing functional tasks or providing support and companionship.

This is the 3rd annual “Make a Dog’s Day Day” which was invented by Subaru to do something special for the animals that are always there for us. So go to a local shelter and adopt a dog today! Or if you already have a dog, spoil them with something special today! 

By |October 1st, 2021|Categories: Stress Reduction, Wellness|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Dogs Improve Our Health!

Getting Organized Improves Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health!

Clutter in your house actually causes clutter in your brain and has a huge negative effect on the subconscious mind. Even if the clutter is hidden in a closet or in the garage, it’s still present in your subconscious mind and causes stress. As your clutter piles up so does your list of to-do’s which may be contributing to your overall stress.

Check out the list below for more facts about how clutter can affect you:

  1. Clutter can cause stress and increased cortisol levels.
  2. It is a distraction from focus. Clutter is extremely distracting and causes our brains to switch into multitasking mode. Having a lot of clutter will increase the amount of time it takes to complete tasks and will make it much harder for you to focus on tasks. 
  3. Clutter can be energy draining. If you want to feel inspired and have more energy a clean and tidy space will help you feel energized. 

Take some time to clear out your space and declutter. You’ll feel amazing afterwards and will continue to reap the benefits from a clean space. Cleaning and organizing your space will significantly decrease stress, you’ll sleep better and will make you feel more calm immediately. So go clean out a closet, drawer or desk right now for an instant feeling of relief and accomplishment!

By |September 30th, 2021|Categories: Mindfulness, Mindset, Stress Reduction, Wellness|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Getting Organized Improves Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health!

Body language speaks louder than words!

Body language says a lot about how you feel in a certain situation and tells others a lot about what you are thinking! Body language is controlled subconsciously without us even realizing that we are saying a lot. And because your body language is not conscious, you can be showing different emotions than you intend to be and communicating different messages than your words. These subtle incongruencies are picked up by others and can negatively impact your interactions. If you are looking to change your body language and subconscious feelings, then EVOX can be a great option for you.


EVOX is a biofeedback device that rewires your brain for more success and happiness in your life. It identifies the underlying emotions and core limiting belief patterns holding you back and sends biofeedback providing the exact frequencies needed to release these stuck patterns PERMANENTLY. 


EVOX literally gives you a mindset makeover to reprogram your beliefs and move through the things that are holding you back! It is the best course of action to help you transcend the areas where you feel stuck, so you can have better health, fresh perceptions on life and relationships, new peace of mind, increased mental clarity, and more! 


This is ideal for people who are stuck in unproductive thoughts, emotions, or behaviors and are ready for their life to improve. These issues are tough to address with conscious thought because they are rooted in the subconscious. The great thing about EVOX is that it helps you improve any subject in your life – whether it’s something that you’re good at and want to improve even more or something you’re feeling stuck around – health, relationships, wealth, communication, career, performance and more!

Reframe your mind and control your subconscious feelings for positive body language. Learn more about EVOX and book here!

By |September 30th, 2021|Categories: EVOX, Mindset, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Body language speaks louder than words!

Prosper Where You Are Planted!

September is Prosper Where You Are Planted Month. The saying “prosper where you are planted” means to accept your present situation and to take advantage of all the opportunities around you. That is easier said than done! We often find ourselves resisting the current situation and thinking to ourselves “the future will be better when…” This is a slippery slope that actually prevents us from having what we want. Oftentimes when people are unhappy in life they’re focusing on the negative aspects of their situation. Let’s use this month to rewrite our narratives. Let’s break free from the constraints of waiting for the “perfect” moment and start seeing the potential within each moment. It’s a shift in perspective that empowers us to cultivate a garden of opportunity right where we stand, embracing the gifts that our present situation offers. With practice, we have the power to transform adversity into growth and flourish in even the most unexpected circumstances. Life’s twists and turns might not always lead us down the path we envisioned, but they can lead us towards remarkable personal growth and resilience.

Here are some tips on how you can learn how to thrive and prosper where you are planted!

How to Thrive:

Step 1: Shift your mindset to an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for everything in your life, even the negative things. When you’re in a tough situation, be grateful for the lessons it’s teaching you and the opportunity to grow. I challenge you to take any negative thing in your life and find 3 positives that have come out of it! 

Step 2: Be present! Usually when we’re feeling upset it’s because we’re regretting the past or worrying about the future. Take some deep breaths and realize how amazing it is that you’re alive right now. When you focus on the present moment, most of your negative emotions will just fall away. The easiest way to focus on the present is to focus on your breath as it goes in and out of your nose. 

Step 3: Look for opportunities around you. This is often tricky when you’re feeling negative emotions, so get creative! Make a list of 10 opportunities that are available to you right now in the situation you’re working through. It might feel like a stretch to get to 10, but I know you can if you brainstorm! This may involve doing new things, taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone. It may also involve making connections, asking for help and working diligently. 

Step 4: Make the most of each day. Don’t let yourself get stuck in procrastination, fear, anxiety or any other negative emotion! Be a positive force in the world by bringing positivity into your life and the lives of others! Brainstorm 5 ways that you take action in the day and get moving on them! They can be little things, like smiling at people on the street as you walk by. 

When you focus on these 4 steps, you will bloom in your life and grow into the person you want to become!

I just want to note that this is easier said than done because sometimes it’s hard not to be negative! Our brains are actually conditioned to focus on the negative evolutionarily, because having an eye on the things that are “wrong” in the situation – like a sabertooth tiger on the other side of the field – actually kept you alive. Unfortunately this means that we will naturally tend to focus on and talk about what we don’t like instead of what we do like. Training your brain to focus on the positive can be tricky without guidance. It’s important to show yourself a lot of grace while you’re practicing on improving your mindset. If you are having trouble shifting your mindset or feeling stuck and want some support to prosper in your current circumstances, then check out the EVOX. It’s a biofeedback device that literally rewires your brain for more happiness and success! 

To learn more about how Kitty can help you make your lemons in life into lemonade, book a free discovery call.

By |September 16th, 2021|Categories: Mindfulness, Mindset, Stress Reduction, Wellness|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Prosper Where You Are Planted!

Smile to improve your health!

June is National Smile month. Smiling and laughing so many benefits that support you on mental, emotional, physical and social levels. Here are 8 reasons to smile as much as possible!

  1. Smiling activates brain chemistry that boosts your mood! When you smile your brain releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin – all of which are feel good molecules that increase your feelings of happiness. Regardless of how you feel, smiling boosts your mood and increases positive thoughts!
  2. Reduce your stress with a smile! Studies have shown that smiling decreases cortisol (stress hormone) production which lowers your stress levels.  Smiling also decreases feelings of anxiety and depression.
  3. Did you know that smiling boosts your immune system? One study showed that smiling and laughing actually increased the number of infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells. So give your immune system a boost with a good belly laugh!
  4. Smiling decreases your pain! The endorphins released by smiling and laughing actually reduce your feeling of pain. Which means laughter really is one of the best medicines!
  5. Lower your blood pressure with a smile! Studies have shown that laughing can briefly increase your heart rate followed immediately by a slower heart rate and decreased blood pressure. Even small amounts of laughing can help reduce your risk of heart disease!
  6. Did you know that smiling makes you look younger? One study showed that subjects who were smiling were rated as looking younger than the same person with a neutral or angry expression. Be sure to smile to embrace a youthful appearance!
  7. Smiling can help you have better relationships! People who smile often are described as more likeable and positive, which leads to better relationships and improves overall well-being.
  8. Would you like to be more attractive? Smiling makes you appear more attractive to others. Multiple research studies have found that people who are smiling are rated as more attractive.

No matter how you feel, you are only one smile away from having a better day! Anytime you are looking for a quick “pick me up,” turn on a funny video or do something else that gets you smiling and laughing!

By |June 14th, 2021|Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care, Stress Reduction, Wellness|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Smile to improve your health!

Product Review: Hempworx CBD+Curcumin

Inflammation is the root cause of most diseases and sadly many of us are living with chronic inflammation without realizing it. Everything from chronic stress, not getting enough sleep, what we eat and the toxins we are exposed to increase our inflammation levels (among many other things). Sadly the rise of inflammation in people has led to a laundry list of diseases that currently affect large amounts of the American population. Arthritis is a big one and is considered to be very common in the US. There are many different types of arthritis and most of them are caused by joint inflammation.

Turmeric has been used in medicine for centuries because of its full of curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient creates the bright yellow color in turmeric and is a natural anti-inflammatory that has many different uses to support optimal healthy body functions! What even better is that CBD is also anti-inflammatory, so this product is amazing at helping to reduce inflammation in the body!

Benefits of Curcumin:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant (reduces free radicals in the body)
  • Supports healthy antioxidant enzyme levels in the body
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Benefits of CBD:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces aches & discomfort
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Having both of these ingredients in this product creates a powerful synergy. That means it supports healthy joints, energy levels and a healthy immune system! This product contains Broad Spectrum CBD, which means the THC has been removed.

My personal experience:

I love CBD+Curcumin! I used to have aches and joint discomfort after my workouts. I now take this product before every workout and I find that my aches are totally gone! I have been on an Anti-inflammatory Protocol (AIP) diet for the last 5 months and have dramatically reduced the inflammation levels in my body. When I venture away from this diet plan, I can definitely feel it in my body. I am always sure to take one of these and immediately notice the reduction in inflammation!

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! Hempworx offers a 60 day money-back guarantee on all of the products. This is because they want you to be able to try the products risk free!

Place an order for this product to start reducing your inflammation and supporting your immune system function today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By |May 17th, 2021|Categories: News, Product Reviews|Tags: , |Comments Off on Product Review: Hempworx CBD+Curcumin

Product Review: Amare FundaMentals Probiotics System

Amare FundaMentals Pack

Did you ever wish that there was a magical pill you could take that would dramatically decrease your stress levels to help you feel more calm? Do you wish that there was an easy way to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression without pharmaceutical interventions? Do you wish that you had better stress resilience to handle everything on your plate without getting so stressed out? Then you’re in luck! This product review is designed to provide more information about an amazing probiotic system that is scientifically shown to decrease your stress, anxiety and depression while increasing your stress resilience!

People often confuse mental health and mental illness. Everyone has mental health, but a growing number of people struggle with mental health issues – in 2021 1 in 3 people in the US has some form of depression and 1 in 5 people in the US has anxiety. But there’s hope as there are many ways to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression so you can live a happy life! Research has shown that 90% of your neurotransmitters are actually made in the gut, so good probiotics can be extremely helpful in treating depression and anxiety. If you want to improve your mental health, read on for information about probiotics specifically designed to boost your mood and have optimal mental health!

This product was created to improve mental wellness and reduce stress using an innovative approach to support not only the gut, but also the brain and vagus nerve (which connects the gut and brain).

Amare FundaMentals is a 3 part probiotic system that includes:

  • MentaBiotics – comprehensive system of probiotics, prebiotics, and phytobiotics clinically shown to improve mental wellness
  • MentaFocus – brain supporting phytonutrients clinically shown to support focus, mental sharpness, clarity, creativity and cognitive function
  • MentaSync – nervous system supporting ingredients clinically shown to optimize communication between the brain and the gut

A growing amount of research has shown that mental wellness is directly correlated to your gut health. The FundaMentals are designed to kill off the bad gut bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. This helps restore balance to increase gut health and mental wellness!

Benefits Include:

  • Promotes healthy digestive system and increases communication between gut & brain
  • Supports growth & vitality of variety of beneficial bacteria in the gut
  • Boosts cognitive function, mental clarity
  • Improves mood and reduces tension
  • Improves psychological vigor (physical energy, mental acuity, emotional well being)

Scientific Research – Clinical Trial Results:

Healthy stressed individuals were given Amare FundaMentals probiotics or placebo for 30 days. The Amare Fundamentals group showed statistically significant improvements in levels of good gut bacteria as well as significantly better psychological symptoms as measured by standard subjective surveys.

  • Lowers tension by 45%
  • Lowers depression by 55%
  • Lowers anger by 54%
  • Lowers fatigue by 64%
  • Lowers confusion by 43%
  • Increases vigor for life by 44%

My personal experience:

I absolutely love the Amare FundaMentals probiotics! I have been taking them for the last 2 years and have experienced miraculous increases in my ability to handle everyday stress, my mood, digestion, mental acuity, focus and concentration. The symptoms of anxiety and depression I would get in the course of everyday life are completely non-existent and I have so much more energy! I have recommended these probiotics to a number of friends, family, and clients that have also seen incredible results after taking these products. The benefits that I have seen people experience on the Amare FundaMentals have been so overwhelming that I have joined this company as a wellness partner to support their vision to create a global wellness revolution!

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Company Website Product Rating: 4.8 Stars (137 reviews)

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! One of the amazing things about Amare is they offer a one year money-back guarantee on all of the products (anything more than 60 days is unheard of with supplement companies). This is because they truly believe in their products and stand behind their effectiveness!

Place an order for these probiotics to start reducing your stress and increasing your mental health today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By |May 11th, 2021|Categories: News, Product Reviews|Tags: , |Comments Off on Product Review: Amare FundaMentals Probiotics System
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