Product Reviews

Product Review: Hempworx CBD Face Mask

August 8th is National CBD Day! This is a perfect day to celebrate the amazing benefits of CBD, an all-natural supplement that has the power to change alternative medicine as we know it!

What CBD is and is not: CBD stands for cannabidiol, which naturally occurs in hemp plants that offers many benefits for our overall well being. Many people associate cannabinoids with marijuana, but this is a common misconception CBD and marijuana are not the same. Marijuana contains a cannabinoid called THC, which results in a “high.” CBD is a cannabinoid that is not psychoactive and contains only trace amounts of THC, so it won’t make you feel high.

What are the benefits of CBD you might ask? There are many studies showing the efficacy of CBD in supporting the healthy function of basically every body system. This makes it a great supplement for overall health and wellness! Specifically it supports a healthy immune & digestive system, improves brain function, and promotes a healthy mood. It can even improve the appearance of your skin!

I recently discovered the incredible benefits of CBD skin products and my skin has never looked better! These products reduce redness and provide lots of moisture to your skin (which is essential in dry  Colorado). It also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes and skin damage caused by the sun.

My personal experience:

Just last week I got to see first hand how powerful the CBD face mask was to support my skin and reverse my sunburn! I went out golfing early in the morning and forgot to put on sunscreen and left my hat at home. The morning started out overcast, but quickly the sun came out and was beating down on my face. After a while, I definitely had pinkness and a first degree sunburn (with my sunglasses on, so I looked like I had a racoon mask). I came home and immediately put the CBD face mask on. Not only did it soothe the sunburn and make it more comfortable, it actually reversed my sunburn dramatically! It was amazing and I was so grateful as it completely eliminated tan lines on my face which are the worst. 

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! Hempworx offers a 60 day money-back guarantee on all of the products. This is because they want you to be able to try the products risk free!

Place an order for this product to start supporting your skin today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By |August 6th, 2021|Categories: Product Reviews, Self-Care, Skin care|Tags: |Comments Off on Product Review: Hempworx CBD Face Mask

Hemp Week History & Hemp Momma Clothing Product Review

It’s Hemp History week!

What is hemp?

Hemp is a plant that can be used for just about anything that is woven into American history! Hemp is a cannabis plant that is grown specifically for industrial use. As one of the most versatile plants on earth, hemp has a staggering number of uses including clothing, textiles, paper, food, biofuel, paint, insulation, animal feed, rope, biodegradable plastics, building materials and many more! Different from other commonly thought of cannabis plants, hemp has high concentrations of CBD and very low concentrations (<0.3%) of the psychoactive THC. Hemp has been demonized over the years due to lack of understanding around the differences between marijuana and hemp. Let’s talk a little bit more about the fascinating history of hemp!

Hemp History:

Hemp has a long history in American. European settlers in North America started growing hemp in the early 1600’s. Even the founding fathers grew hemp – the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper! In 1937 hemp was lumped in with marijuana and effectively became illegal. Then during World War II, the need for hemp made materials became an essential part of the war effort. The  USDA created the “Hemp for Victory” program to encourage US farmers to grow hemp.

Then in 1970 hemp was classified as marijuana under the Controlled Substances act despite decades of government funded research showing it was distinctly different in structure and function. Sadly hemp became illegal again and the US saw a dramatic increase in synthetic fabrics. After decades of effort from hemp advocates, the Federal Farm Bill of 2014 made growing hemp legal again. Colorado, Kentucky, and Vermont were the first trailblazers to start growing it. Finally in 2018 the Farm Bill and the Hemp Farming Amendment removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act and hemp farming became legal all over the US!

Hemp Week celebrates this amazing plant that has regenerative agricultural properties, creates renewable resources and supports plant-based nutrition and healthy lifestyles! Agriculturally hemp nets 2.5 times the value of corn and soy, helps with soil remediation, creates prolific pollen production for bees, does not require any fertilizers to grow, does not need any pesticides or herbicides (which also supports the bees!) and requires 50-70% less water than cotton!

Hemp Clothing & Sustainability:

I would like to highlight my favorite hemp product – hemp clothing! Hemp is a very sustainable source of clothing because it requires less water, does not deplete the soil, and does not require pesticides and herbicides – so it is good for you and for mother earth! It is naturally stronger and more durable than cotton and linen, leading to longer lasting clothes that do not wear out quickly and end up in a landfill. Since it’s naturally antimicrobial, it is ideal workout clothing as it will not smell after you sweat in it. Plus modern day processing helps transform this super fiber into a soft, lucious, form fitting clothing!

Hemp Momma Product Review

Hemp Momma is an amazing new sustainable clothing line that believes style and sustainability should go hand in hand. They have a burning desire to turn the throwaway fashion industry on its head and create a sustainable fashion revolution! I can attest firsthand that their clothes have incredible style, high quality fabrics and the softest clothing I have ever touched! Hemp Momma has everyday essentials, lifestyle, and activewear – all of which is cute and comfy. They launched with 17 different clothing articles and promise to release more every month!

I purchased the Julz Tee Dress and will definitely buy more Hemp Momma clothing! The Julz Tee Dress is extremely comfortable. It is versatile enough to be worn around the house or dressed up to go out on the town. Besides being soft and stylish, my favorite part is that it has POCKETS! Almost all women’s clothing does not have pockets, clothes with pockets gets me really excited! I strongly recommend checking out Hemp Momma clothing benefits for yourself – go to this website to learn more!

By |July 19th, 2021|Categories: Product Reviews|Tags: , |Comments Off on Hemp Week History & Hemp Momma Clothing Product Review

How to pick the best sunscreen!

Summer is here, which means it’s time to get outside and enjoy some sunshine! Since the sun is out in full force, it’s really important to wear sunscreen to prevent sunburns that can lead to skin cancer. June is Skin Cancer Awareness month. Unfortunately skin cancer affects 1 in 5 Americans by the time they are 70, which is why it is so important to protect yourself! Thankfully sunscreen can reduce the risk by more than 40%! Not all sunscreens are created equal, some are much better than others. This article is designed to teach you tips on how to pick the best sunscreen!

Sunscreen Recommendations:

  • Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen as this protects against ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. 
  • Get SPF 30 or higher. Many people don’t know that the SPF number is the number of minutes of protection (i.e. the time duration you should reapply). The higher the SPF number the longer you can go between reapplication! Be sure to apply at least once every 2 hours at the maximum.
  • Water resistant does not mean waterproof. Even water resistant sunscreens are only water resistant for 40 to 80 minutes. Sunscreens should be reapplied after you’ve sweat or been in the water. 
  • Apply liberally! Maybe people will put on a light layer, which does not fully protect your skin. Be sure to add enough to get a thick layer on your skin.
  • Mineral based has less potentially toxic ingredients. Try to find a sunscreen that uses zinc oxide or titanium oxide as a 
  • Check the expiration date before using. Sunscreens that are expired have lower effectiveness.
  • Read the ingredients carefully! Choose sunscreens that have Avobenzone instead of Oxybenzone (an ingredient found in some chemical based sunscreens but it has been found to be a hormone disruptor and potentially lead to skin sensitization, so it’s best to avoid).
    • Here’s a list of things you want to make sure are not in your sunscreen:
      • Aminobenzoic acid
      • Trolamine salicylate
      • Cinoxate
      • Dioxybenzone
      • Ensulizole
      • Oxybenzone
      • Meradimate
      • Sulisobenzone
      • Padimate O

My Favorite Brands:

Other Considerations:

Sunscreen cannot prevent 100% of sun damage. If you’re going to spend an entire day outside, consider getting SPF shirts and SPF hats!

By |June 4th, 2021|Categories: News, Product Reviews, Self-Care, Wellness|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on How to pick the best sunscreen!

Product Review: Hempworx CBD+Curcumin

Inflammation is the root cause of most diseases and sadly many of us are living with chronic inflammation without realizing it. Everything from chronic stress, not getting enough sleep, what we eat and the toxins we are exposed to increase our inflammation levels (among many other things). Sadly the rise of inflammation in people has led to a laundry list of diseases that currently affect large amounts of the American population. Arthritis is a big one and is considered to be very common in the US. There are many different types of arthritis and most of them are caused by joint inflammation.

Turmeric has been used in medicine for centuries because of its full of curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient creates the bright yellow color in turmeric and is a natural anti-inflammatory that has many different uses to support optimal healthy body functions! What even better is that CBD is also anti-inflammatory, so this product is amazing at helping to reduce inflammation in the body!

Benefits of Curcumin:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant (reduces free radicals in the body)
  • Supports healthy antioxidant enzyme levels in the body
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Benefits of CBD:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces aches & discomfort
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Having both of these ingredients in this product creates a powerful synergy. That means it supports healthy joints, energy levels and a healthy immune system! This product contains Broad Spectrum CBD, which means the THC has been removed.

My personal experience:

I love CBD+Curcumin! I used to have aches and joint discomfort after my workouts. I now take this product before every workout and I find that my aches are totally gone! I have been on an Anti-inflammatory Protocol (AIP) diet for the last 5 months and have dramatically reduced the inflammation levels in my body. When I venture away from this diet plan, I can definitely feel it in my body. I am always sure to take one of these and immediately notice the reduction in inflammation!

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! Hempworx offers a 60 day money-back guarantee on all of the products. This is because they want you to be able to try the products risk free!

Place an order for this product to start reducing your inflammation and supporting your immune system function today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By |May 17th, 2021|Categories: News, Product Reviews|Tags: , |Comments Off on Product Review: Hempworx CBD+Curcumin

Product Review: Amare FundaMentals Probiotics System

Amare FundaMentals Pack

Did you ever wish that there was a magical pill you could take that would dramatically decrease your stress levels to help you feel more calm? Do you wish that there was an easy way to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression without pharmaceutical interventions? Do you wish that you had better stress resilience to handle everything on your plate without getting so stressed out? Then you’re in luck! This product review is designed to provide more information about an amazing probiotic system that is scientifically shown to decrease your stress, anxiety and depression while increasing your stress resilience!

People often confuse mental health and mental illness. Everyone has mental health, but a growing number of people struggle with mental health issues – in 2021 1 in 3 people in the US has some form of depression and 1 in 5 people in the US has anxiety. But there’s hope as there are many ways to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression so you can live a happy life! Research has shown that 90% of your neurotransmitters are actually made in the gut, so good probiotics can be extremely helpful in treating depression and anxiety. If you want to improve your mental health, read on for information about probiotics specifically designed to boost your mood and have optimal mental health!

This product was created to improve mental wellness and reduce stress using an innovative approach to support not only the gut, but also the brain and vagus nerve (which connects the gut and brain).

Amare FundaMentals is a 3 part probiotic system that includes:

  • MentaBiotics – comprehensive system of probiotics, prebiotics, and phytobiotics clinically shown to improve mental wellness
  • MentaFocus – brain supporting phytonutrients clinically shown to support focus, mental sharpness, clarity, creativity and cognitive function
  • MentaSync – nervous system supporting ingredients clinically shown to optimize communication between the brain and the gut

A growing amount of research has shown that mental wellness is directly correlated to your gut health. The FundaMentals are designed to kill off the bad gut bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. This helps restore balance to increase gut health and mental wellness!

Benefits Include:

  • Promotes healthy digestive system and increases communication between gut & brain
  • Supports growth & vitality of variety of beneficial bacteria in the gut
  • Boosts cognitive function, mental clarity
  • Improves mood and reduces tension
  • Improves psychological vigor (physical energy, mental acuity, emotional well being)

Scientific Research – Clinical Trial Results:

Healthy stressed individuals were given Amare FundaMentals probiotics or placebo for 30 days. The Amare Fundamentals group showed statistically significant improvements in levels of good gut bacteria as well as significantly better psychological symptoms as measured by standard subjective surveys.

  • Lowers tension by 45%
  • Lowers depression by 55%
  • Lowers anger by 54%
  • Lowers fatigue by 64%
  • Lowers confusion by 43%
  • Increases vigor for life by 44%

My personal experience:

I absolutely love the Amare FundaMentals probiotics! I have been taking them for the last 2 years and have experienced miraculous increases in my ability to handle everyday stress, my mood, digestion, mental acuity, focus and concentration. The symptoms of anxiety and depression I would get in the course of everyday life are completely non-existent and I have so much more energy! I have recommended these probiotics to a number of friends, family, and clients that have also seen incredible results after taking these products. The benefits that I have seen people experience on the Amare FundaMentals have been so overwhelming that I have joined this company as a wellness partner to support their vision to create a global wellness revolution!

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Company Website Product Rating: 4.8 Stars (137 reviews)

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! One of the amazing things about Amare is they offer a one year money-back guarantee on all of the products (anything more than 60 days is unheard of with supplement companies). This is because they truly believe in their products and stand behind their effectiveness!

Place an order for these probiotics to start reducing your stress and increasing your mental health today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By |May 11th, 2021|Categories: News, Product Reviews|Tags: , |Comments Off on Product Review: Amare FundaMentals Probiotics System
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