Timing your meals around your workouts is important! If you eat too close to a workout, you could feel sick and not be able to perform your best during the workout.

Pre-workout meals: 1-3 hours before workout
– lots of lean protein
– carbohydrates (simple and complex)
– should not have fat, as this slows digestion

Post-workout meals: 0-2 hours after workout
– lots of lean protein
– carbohydrates (simple and complex)
– should not have fat, as this slows digestion

Other meals: 4-5 hours before/after workout
– protein (40% of meal)
– complex carbohydrates (30% of meal)
– healthy fats (30%)

For an explanation of simple and complex carbs, read this article.

By Published On: January 10th, 2019Categories: Exercise, FoodComments Off on Timing Your Meals to Maximize Your WorkoutTags: , ,

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