Inflammation is the root cause of most diseases and sadly many of us are living with chronic inflammation without realizing it. Everything from chronic stress, not getting enough sleep, what we eat and the toxins we are exposed to increase our inflammation levels (among many other things). Sadly the rise of inflammation in people has led to a laundry list of diseases that currently affect large amounts of the American population. Arthritis is a big one and is considered to be very common in the US. There are many different types of arthritis and most of them are caused by joint inflammation.

Turmeric has been used in medicine for centuries because of its full of curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient creates the bright yellow color in turmeric and is a natural anti-inflammatory that has many different uses to support optimal healthy body functions! What even better is that CBD is also anti-inflammatory, so this product is amazing at helping to reduce inflammation in the body!

Benefits of Curcumin:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant (reduces free radicals in the body)
  • Supports healthy antioxidant enzyme levels in the body
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Benefits of CBD:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces aches & discomfort
  • Supports healthy immune system function
  • Supports healthy brain function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports healthy, balanced mood

Having both of these ingredients in this product creates a powerful synergy. That means it supports healthy joints, energy levels and a healthy immune system! This product contains Broad Spectrum CBD, which means the THC has been removed.

My personal experience:

I love CBD+Curcumin! I used to have aches and joint discomfort after my workouts. I now take this product before every workout and I find that my aches are totally gone! I have been on an Anti-inflammatory Protocol (AIP) diet for the last 5 months and have dramatically reduced the inflammation levels in my body. When I venture away from this diet plan, I can definitely feel it in my body. I am always sure to take one of these and immediately notice the reduction in inflammation!

Personal Product Rating: 5 stars

Don’t take my word for it, try them for yourself! Hempworx offers a 60 day money-back guarantee on all of the products. This is because they want you to be able to try the products risk free!

Place an order for this product to start reducing your inflammation and supporting your immune system function today! If you have questions or would like to chat with Kitty to find out if these are right for you, feel free to book a FREE 30 minute call.

By Published On: May 17th, 2021Categories: News, Product ReviewsComments Off on Product Review: Hempworx CBD+CurcuminTags: ,

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