Create Your Vision Workshop

The key to living a life you love

Vision Workshop

Creating a vision is one of the most powerful tools you have to start living the life of your dreams! A vision is a mental picture of the result you want to achieve that is so clear and strong it energizes you. Basically it’s a roadmap of where you want to go in life and the destinations you want to reach along the way. Having a vision gives you drive, motivation, inspiration and gives you a sense of purpose in your life!

It’s really important to be intentional in creating vision for what you want your life to be like! If you’re not intentionally creating a vision, it’s still created by the external factors in your life. When you create a good vision it is possible for you to start manifesting your dreams into reality now!

most people really struggle with their vision

A Vision is Important

The task of sitting down to create a vision can feel overwhelming. There are many different things to consider when creating your vision and it’s very easy to fall into the pitfalls of negative vision.

If you’re wondering if you need this workshop, a good question to ask yourself is “if I died tomorrow, would I be fulfilled?” For most people that’s a resounding “NO!” It happens to all of us, we say we’re going to write that book or do that thing and then we simply don’t take the time to get clear and get into action. Most people have a bucket list of things they want to do, yet those things sit on their list for years without people ever getting to experience them! This workshop is a time to get hands-on support with the vision creation process and quiet time to get clear to figure out what’s important to you when creating the life of your dreams!

Most of the clients I work with do not have a vision for one (or more) of the following reasons:

  1. They just don’t take time to create one
  2. They have forgotten how to dream big because they’re so weighed down by the day-to-day
  3. They don’t believe that they deserve to have bigger and better

If any of these reasons resonate, this event is for you!

This event is to help you imagine and ignite your vision for 2024 and beyond. You will create a vision of your dream life and learn the secrets tips on how to bring this vision into reality to help you start living your vision today. This workshop will help ignite the fire inside of you so that you can start living the life of your dreams! Don’t put your life on hold any longer! Sign up for this workshop to bring your vision to life!

In this workshop you will learn:

  • Why having a vision is essential and what has been holding you back from creating one
  • How to create a good vision and avoid the pitfalls of a negative vision
  • Daily practices to help you work towards your vision in your daily life
  • Tips to implement your vision to start living the life of your dreams!

Benefits of attending:

  • Increase clarity of your vision so you can feel the pull of inspiration towards your dreams
  • Align with all areas of your life vision so you get excited and invigorated
  • Understand how to use embodiment to help you achieve your goals
  • Learn how to take inspired action to create the life of your dreams
  • Tap into your motivation and inspiration

This program is for you if:

  • You created your vision board and it doesn’t mean anything, they’re just pictures without the momentum behind them.
  • You find yourself stuck in a holding pattern for the last 2+ years.
  • You wish you had a vision but you don’t know where to start.
  • You are successful and desire to level up in 2024.
  • You want to increase your happiness and satisfaction in life.
  • You know there is a bigger, better, greater version of yourself and you are not sure how to get there.
  • You feel stuck or like you are coasting through life right now.
  • You are ready to transform your current results to create big success.
  • You are looking for ways to grow, improve business and relationships.

Vision Workshop

The Details

  • This vision workshop consists of (all remote via zoom)

  • 2 hour interactive workshop to create your vision ($172 value)
  • 30 minutes private coaching with Kitty to receive customized coaching and get your questions answered ($75 value)
  • 2 meditations to help you create your vision ($25 value)
  • Worksheets and tips for success ($25 value)
  • Value of creating a vision for 2024 and beyond (priceless)
  • Total value: $297

Now only $77, that’s a savings of $220!

Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!


Vision Workshop

$77 Savings of $220

2 hour workshop to create your vision

30 min private coaching & support
2 guided meditations for vision creation
Worksheets & tips for success

Want to chat with Kitty?

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